Scientific Publications

Civilizational and cultural treasure is found in these various editions of specialized books, rich reports, and valuable publications that will take you through the past ages, echoing a civilization’s voice that is still reverberating across Sharjah.

  • July 6, 2022
  • Knut Bretzke / Nicholas J. Conard / Hans-Peter Uerpmann
  • Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 44
  • English
This article studies the FAY-NE1 site located in Jebel Faya, which is key to the study of early human history…
  • July 6, 2022
  • Johannes Kutterer
  • Institute for Prehistory and Early Historical Times at the University of Tübingen, Germany.
  • English
This thesis studies the site of copper mining and smelting located in Wadi Al-Hilu in the Emirate of Sharjah. This…
  • July 6, 2022
  • Adelina Kutterer / Bruno Overlaet / Christopher E.Miller / Johannes Kutterer / Sabah A. Jasim / Ernie Haerinck
  • Arabian archaeology and epigraphy : Volume 25 : Issue 2
  • English
This scholarly article presents a study of pre-Islamic tombs at the archaeological site of Mleiha.
  • July 6, 2022
  • Adelina Kutterer / Sabah A. Jasim / Eisa Yousif
  • Arabian archaeology and epigraphy : Volume 26 : Issue 1
  • English
This scientific research studies skeletons found in Jebel Al-Amilah after they were revealed by the winds that removed the light…

  • Excavations at Mleiha 1993-94

  • July 6, 2022
  • Sabah A. Jasim
  • Arabian archaeology and epigraphy
  • English
This article presents the results of the excavations that took place in the years 1993 and 1994 at the Maliha…
  • July 6, 2022
  • Alicia Van Ham-Meert / Philippe Claeys / Sabah Jasim / Bruno Overlaet / Eisa Yousif / Patrick Degryse
  • Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences
  • English
This paper presents chemical and theoretical analyzes of glass from the first century AD, which was excavated in Dibba Al-Hisn…
  • July 6, 2022
  • Margarethe Uerpmann
  • Arabian archaeology and epigraphy : Volume 28 : Issue 1
  • English
This scientific research studies the animal remains found in the Luluiya Fort, which dates back to the Islamic period, and…
  • February 28, 2022
  • Abdallah Ali Alrahibi
  • Sharjah Archaeology Authority
  • Arabic
The book is written by K.A. cresol; Publisher: Oxford University Press, reviewed and added to by James Wilson, translated and…
  • February 28, 2022
  • Prof. Dr. Atef Mansour Ramadan
  • Sharjah Archaeology Authority
  • Arabic
Islamic money played an important role in political life in the Islamic era in a way that was unprecedented in…


  • January 10, 2022
  • Sharjah Archaeology Authority
  • Arabic
By the end of 2021, which coincides with the expected date of the issuance of the new issue of the…

  • Excavations at Mleiha 1993-94


تاريخ عمارة الجامع الأزهر منذ العصر الفاطمي حتى نهاية العصر المملوكي

محاضرتنا الاثنين القادم بعنوان “تاريخ عمارة الجامع الأزهر منذ العصر الفاطمي حتى نهاية العصر المملوكي” يقدمها الدكتور أحمد مجدي سالم، في تمام الساعة 4:30 مساءً.

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