A Roman bronze coin dating from the reign of Emperor Domitian (81- 96AD). Found in Mleiha ML9. Obverse: A bust of the Emperor Domitian wearing a laurel wreath and facing right. The bust is surrounded by the legend: “IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM COS XVI CENSPER P P” Reverse: The Goddess Fortuna, holding a Cornucopia of plenty, accompanied by the wording: “FORTUNAE AVGVSTI”Sharjah, UAE. In storage at the Sharjah Archaeology Authority.
No. of Object: SAA 104 S a. Type of Artifact: Bifacial. Material: Flint. Site: Suhailah. Period: Middle Paleolithic. Ca 130,000 years old. Methodology: 3D photogrammetric model made in Agisoft Metashape using ... Read More
Glazed ceramic jar. 1st Century CE. Specimen from the collection excavated from a communal tomb of the Roman-Parthian period in Dibba Al Hisn, Sharjah. Read More
Softstone bowl from Tell Abraq, Sharjah, UAE. Bronze Age. 2300 BCE. Read More