Ivory Comb with Nudes, Flowers, Dibba al Hisn, Sharjah. 1st Century CE.“The comb has teeth on one side only and the majority of these are missing. The central panel is decorated on both sides with incised decoration. On one face a topless female reclines on a bench or bed beside a window, with a male seated behind her. Both are facing right, and another figure stands in front of them. The other face is also beautifully decorated with foliage and lotus flowers.”“The source of the raw ivory may have been India, but the carving and decoration of the combs could have been done anywhere in the Parthian empire.”
Stone lid with lion-shaped knob for south Arabian beehive vessels. Mleiha, Sharjah, UAE. 3rd century BCE - 1st century CE. Mleiha area 7. Calcite. Read More
Pottery incense burner from the site of Muwellah, Sharjah, UAE. Iron Age II. 1000-600 BCE. Read More
Pre-Islamic conical cup elegantly decorated with an ibex motif. Mleiha, Sharjah, UAE. On display in the Mleiha Archaeological Center. 3rd Century CE. Read More