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Period : Bronze Age
Material : Bronze
Height : 0.2 cm
Diameter : 1.21 cm
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Bronze tetradrachm coin from Mleiha.Obverse: head of Heracles wearing the pelt of a lion, on the right. The nose is slightly arcuated and the lips are made of two traits. The eye is almond-shaped. The pelt is realized through a succession of scales and the lion’s throat surrounds the ear like a hollow horn.reverse: Zeus, half draped and crossed (or paralleled?) legs, is sitting on the left on a straight-backed throne. He shows a flattened trunk and his hair is almost ruffled. With his left arm, he is holding a long vertical sceptre and on his right stretched one, a small horse going rightward. To the right, Aramaic letters indicating the name Abi’el. Under Shamash’ right arm, the “trident” pointing rightward. On the left, a palm tree.Sharjah, UAE. On display in the Sharjah Archaeology Authority. C

Glazed bowl, Palace
Green glazed bowl from the palace in Mleiha, 100 CE. Sharjah, UAE. Read More
Roman Drinking Bowl2
Glass was an important export product of the Mediterranean Roman world from the middle of the first century BC onwards. Large quantities reached the Oman ... Read More
Bundle of Iron Arrow Points 2
Bundle of iron arrow points from Mleiha, Sharjah, UAE. As found corroded together. A number of examples have been found. 1st Century BCE to 1st ... Read More