Lecture on Dar Al Sikka Al Islamiya Dictionary in the Intermediate Period

Sharjah Archeology Authority organized a virtual lecture as part of its scientific lectures that are broadcast every two weeks, presented by Dr. Mohammed Al Ghadban, Professor at the University of Tunis El Manar, entitled: “Dar Al Sikka Al Islamiya Dictionary in the Intermediate Period”. The lecture reviewed the importance of coins in the Arab-Islamic world […]

A lecture on “Omani migrations to East Africa through historical landmarks

Sharjah Archaeology Authority (SAA) organized a scientific lecture on 7 June 2021, as part of its biweekly scientific lectures, presented by Dr. Huda Al-Zadjali under the title: “Omani migrations to East Africa through historical landmarks during which she reviewed the most prominent Omani tribes that migrated to East Africa, in addition to familiarizing themselves with […]

A lecture on “Urban and Architectural Heritage in Southeast Tunisia.”

“As part of its archaeological and educational activities, The Sharjah Archaeology Authority, via Zoom platform organized today, Monday 24/5/2021 a scientific lecture by Dr. Al-Nawuri Boukhchim – Professor at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Tunis in the field of heritage sciences, entitled: “Urban and Architectural Heritage in Southeast Tunisia.” […]

A lecture on “Algeria 2.4 million years of existence”

‘As part of its archaeological and educational activities held biweekly through the “zoom” program, Sharjah Archaeology Authority organized a scientific lecture by Dr. Fayza riash, professor at the Faculty of media and communication sciences at the University of Algeria, on Monday, 29/3/2021, entitled: “Algeria 2.4 million years of existence”, during which she observed the different […]

A lecture on “The boys in prehistoric times”

‘As part of its biweekly lectures, the Sharjah Archaeology Authority organized a lecture by Dr. Sultan Al duwish, director of the Department of antiquities and museums, a professor on assignment in the Department of history at Kuwait University, on 15/3/2021 entitled: “The boys in prehistoric times”, in which he dealt with the Antiquities discovered in […]

A lecture on “The material archaeological heritage of the city of Tlemcen”

‘Sharjah Archaeology Authority organized today, 1/2/2021, as part of its scientific lectures broadcast every biweekly, a lecture entitled: “The material archaeological heritage of the city of Tlemcen”, presented by Dr. Sabrina Dahmani, assistant professor at ABI Bakr Belkaid University-Tlemcen-Algeria, during which she reviewed the geography and history of the city of Tlemcen, she mentioned the […]

A lecture on “Antiquities and archaeological research in the kingdom of Morocco”

‘Sharjah Archaeology Authority organized a scientific lecture on antiquities and archaeological research in the kingdom of Morocco and its multiple vocabulary, and related to archaeological finds and assets, presented by Professor Dr. Hassan taushekht, professor of higher education at the National Institute of Archaeology and heritage in Rabat, through the zoom program, The lecture was […]

Environmental archaeology: the case of the study of prehistoric periods in Sudan

‘Sharjah Archaeology Authority organized a remote scientific lecture via zoom program entitled: “environmental archaeology: the case of the study of prehistoric periods in Sudan”, presented by the associate professor at the Faculty of Archaeology, Nielsen University, Dr. Hammad Mohammed Hamdin in the presence of 70 participants, where he pointed out in his lecture that environmental […]

Aesthetic Values in Islamic Manuscripts

‘The Sharjah Archeology Authority organized remotely a lecture on “Aesthetic Values in Islamic Manuscripts”, presented by Prof. Dr. Amin Abdullah Rashidi, and administered by Dr. Yazan Abu Al-Hassan, which was participated by a number of 200 participants who are interested in preserving antiquities.

Using Ultrasound Technology in examining stone pieces and structures

‘The Sharjah Archeology Authority organized a virtual lecture entitled “Using non-destructive ultrasound technology in examining archaeological pieces and structures”, presented by Dr. Abdul Rahim Ahmed, from the Faculty of Archeology and Anthropology at Yarmouk University in Jordan, during which he addressed the classification of the main applications of ultrasound for stones and artifacts. In the […]

تاريخ عمارة الجامع الأزهر منذ العصر الفاطمي حتى نهاية العصر المملوكي

محاضرتنا الاثنين القادم بعنوان “تاريخ عمارة الجامع الأزهر منذ العصر الفاطمي حتى نهاية العصر المملوكي” يقدمها الدكتور أحمد مجدي سالم، في تمام الساعة 4:30 مساءً.

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