Buried far from home: Sasanian graves at Jebel al-Emeilah

Buried far from home: Sasanian graves at Jebel al-Emeilah

This scientific research studies skeletons found in Jebel Al-Amilah after they were revealed by the winds that removed the light sandy layer that covered them. The results of the radiocarbon dating process showed that these structures dated to the Sassanid period, and this is confirmed by the presence of Sasanian seals with one of these structures. The foregoing indicates the possibility of these people migrating to this part of the land that is today part of the United Arab Emirates.

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تاريخ عمارة الجامع الأزهر منذ العصر الفاطمي حتى نهاية العصر المملوكي

محاضرتنا الاثنين القادم بعنوان “تاريخ عمارة الجامع الأزهر منذ العصر الفاطمي حتى نهاية العصر المملوكي” يقدمها الدكتور أحمد مجدي سالم، في تمام الساعة 4:30 مساءً.

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