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Period : Pre-Islamic
Material : Soft Stone
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Pre-Islamic soft stone stamp seal engraved with a camel. Mleiha, Sharjah, UAE. On display in the Mleiha Archaeological Center. 1st Century CE.

Neolithic Arrowhead 3
Neolithic bifacial flint arrow heads., Jebel al-Faya, Sharjah, UAE. On display in the Mleiha Archaeological Center. 6th-5th millenium BCE. Read More
Alabaster Jar Lid 2
Pre-Islamic Alabaster Jar Lid, Mleiha, Sharjah, UAE. In storage at the Sharjah Archaeology Authority. 250-150 BCE. Read More
Iron Age Arrowhead 3
Iron Age Bronze Arrowhead, Jebel al-Buhais, Sharjah, UAE. On display in the Mleiha Archaeological Center. 1st millennium BCE. Read More