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Material : Pottery
Height : 32.3 cm
Diameter : 28.7 cm
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No. 12 of 17 examples of 19th Century Islamic ceramics understudy at the Sharjah Archaeology Authority, in Sharjah, UAE. This specimen is from the site Al-Jubail.

Softstone bowl 4
Softstone bowl from Tell Abraq, Sharjah, UAE. Bronze Age. 2300 BCE. Read More
Neolithic Flint arrowhead 1
Neolithic Flint arrowhead dated to the 5th millennium BCE - site of Mleiha, Mleiha, Sharjah, UAE. On display in the Sharjah Archaeology Authority. 5th millenium ... Read More
Iron Age Arrowhead 2
Iron Age Bronze Arrowhead, Jebel al-Buhais, Sharjah, UAE. On display in the Mleiha Archaeological Center. 1st millennium BCE. Read More