Scientific Lectures

Civilizational and cultural treasure is found in these various editions of specialized books, rich reports, and valuable publications that will take you through the past ages, echoing a civilization’s voice that is still reverberating across Sharjah.

The effect of salt weathering on archaeological buildings

The effect of salt weathering on archaeological buildings

24 May, 2023

On Wednesday, May 24, 2023, the Sharjah Archaeology Authority organized a lecture by Dr. Mohammed Saad, entitled: “The Effect of Salt Weathering on Archaeological Buildings”, in which he talked about the most important sources of salts, and how salts move to the porous composition of archaeological buildings, explaining the role of surrounding environmental conditions in the mechanism of salt damage, and showing the different forms of salt weathering in archaeological buildings.

GIS in Archaeology: mapping our history

GIS in Archaeology: mapping our history

9 January, 2023

Sharjah Archaeology Authority organized online lecture entitled:

‏GIS in Archaeology: mapping our history, by Eng. Muneer Qudaisat and Mr. Muhammad Zafar

‏on Monday, Junauary 9, 2023, at 4:30 pm.

Mleiha culture lecture through archaeological discoveries

Mleiha culture lecture through archaeological discoveries

13 December, 2022

Within the framework of the participation of the Sharjah Antiquities Authority, in the Guadalajara International Book Fair under the pavilion of the Emirate of Sharjah – the guest of honor of the exhibition 2022, Mr. Issa Youssef, Director of the Antiquities Department at the Authority, delivered a scientific and cultural lecture entitled “Mleiha Culture Through Archaeological Discoveries (from the third century BC) Birth – the third century AD)”, through which the authority seeks to build bridges of cooperation and cultural communication between the Arab civilization and its Latin counterpart.

Lecture on the applications of nanomaterials in the restoration and maintenance of stone monuments

Lecture on the applications of nanomaterials in the restoration and maintenance of stone monuments

12 October, 2022
The Sharjah Antiquities Authority organized, as part of its fortnightly lectures, a lecture by Dr. Muhammad Saad Al Zoghbi, on Monday, October 3, 2022, entitled: “Applications of nanomaterials in the restoration and maintenance of stone monuments”, in which he talked about the importance of nanotechnology, and the reason for its use in the restoration and maintenance of antiquities. And how to apply and use nanomaterials in cleaning the surfaces of archaeological materials and stones, strengthening stone monuments, and protecting stone surfaces.
A lecture on the importance of archaeological buildings in Bass and their investment patterns in application to commercial monuments

A lecture on the importance of archaeological buildings in Bass and their investment patterns in application to commercial monuments

6 July, 2022
The Sharjah Archeology Authority organized, as part of its weekly lectures, a lecture by Dr. Muhammad Ahmed Malikah, on Monday, June 27, 2022 AD, entitled: “The importance of archaeological buildings in Istanbul and patterns of investment in them in application to commercial monuments”, in which he addressed the most important types of investment in Istanbul as applied to facilities Commercial and highlighting the best types of investments as well as the most dangerous for the archaeological building.
Lecture on the Importance of Archaeological Buildings in Istanbul and Investment Patterns in Commercial Monuments

Lecture on the Importance of Archaeological Buildings in Istanbul and Investment Patterns in Commercial Monuments

27 June, 2022

On Monday, June 27, 2022, the Sharjah Archaeology Authority hosted a lecture by Dr. Muhammad Ahmed Malikah as part of its biweekly lectures, entitled: “Importance of Archaeological Buildings in Istanbul and Investment Patterns in Commercial Monuments”, in which he dealt with the most important types of investment in Istanbul as an application to commercial establishments, highlighting the best types of investments, as well as the most dangerous ones for the archaeological building.0dFM8CFGDq0

Lecture on the Urban Heritage of Oases Palaces in Morocco: Tafilalt Oasis Palaces as a Model

Lecture on the Urban Heritage of Oases Palaces in Morocco: Tafilalt Oasis Palaces as a Model

13 June, 2022

On Monday, June 13, 2022, the Sharjah Archaeology Authority hosted a lecture by Dr. Saeed Obeidi as part of its biweekly lectures, entitled: “Urban Heritage of Oases Palaces in Morocco:  Tafilalt Oasis Palaces as a Model”, in which he introduced the urban heritage of the palaces of the Moroccan oases in general and the palaces of the Tafilalt Oasis in particular, explaining the most important distinguishing features of mud architecture in Moroccan oases palaces and comparing the Tafilalt Oasis palaces to other models of the Arab world.

Lecture on the Factors Affecting Archaeological Buildings in Jazan Region of Saudi Arabia, and Ways to Preserve Them

Lecture on the Factors Affecting Archaeological Buildings in Jazan Region of Saudi Arabia, and Ways to Preserve Them

30 May, 2022
  • On Monday, May 30, 2022, the Sharjah Archaeology Authority hosted a lecture by Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Qarni, a faculty member in the Department of Archaeology Restoration, Faculty of Archaeology, Luxor University, as part of its biweekly lectures, entitled: Factors Affecting Archaeological Buildings in Jazan Region of Saudi Arabia and Ways to Preserve Them.
Lecture on Antiquities Stores and Disaster and Crisis Management

Lecture on Antiquities Stores and Disaster and Crisis Management

9 May, 2022

On Monday, May 9, 2022, the Sharjah Archaeology Authority hosted a lecture by Professor Muhammad Jamal Ali as part of its biweekly lectures, entitled: “Antiquities Stores and Disaster and Crisis Management,” in which he discussed the various types of antiquities stores and the major challenges they face, as well as how to manage these stores during natural and human disasters, emphasizing that good crisis management reduces the amount of losses.

Vision of Muhammad Ali’s Palace in Shubra through the writings of Giston Wait lecture

Vision of Muhammad Ali’s Palace in Shubra through the writings of Giston Wait lecture

18 March, 2022

Sharjah Archaeology Authority organized, as part of its biweekly lectures, a lecture by Professor Asmaa Ali Zagloul, on Monday, March 14, 2022 AD, entitled: “Vision of Muhammad Ali’s Palace in Shubra through the writings of Giston Wait”, during which she presented part of the ancient history of Egypt, and one of the most important The political figures associated with the history of Egypt, Muhammad Ali, who is considered the founder of the renaissance of Egypt in the modern era, then explained the importance of studying the material origins of the Egyptian civilization on the historical and cultural level, and then concluded her speech with points that contribute to making the recipient closer to the perception and understanding of Egyptian culture.

تاريخ عمارة الجامع الأزهر منذ العصر الفاطمي حتى نهاية العصر المملوكي

محاضرتنا الاثنين القادم بعنوان “تاريخ عمارة الجامع الأزهر منذ العصر الفاطمي حتى نهاية العصر المملوكي” يقدمها الدكتور أحمد مجدي سالم، في تمام الساعة 4:30 مساءً.

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