Published Date : 2023
Auther : DR Atef Mansour
Publisher : Sharjah Archaeology Authority
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The Sharjah Antiquities Authority pays special attention to analyzing and studying the results of archaeological excavations taking place in a number of archaeological sites of exceptional importance in the record of human history and the path of human civilization, based on the principles and objectives stipulated in the law and the powers and competencies of the Authority.Within a series of specialized books and periodical publications in the field of archaeology and cultural heritage in Arabic and other international languages.
Mleiha Unwritten History
Published Date : 2016
Auther : Sabah A. Jasim , Margarethe Uerpmann , Hans-Peter Uerpmann
Publisher : Sharjah Archaeology Authority
Available Languages -
- English
Today, the Emirate of Sharjah is proud to add a new edifice of culture, civilization ...
In the far reaches of the Near East The recent discovery of Majan
Published Date : 2023
Auther : Joaquín María Córdoba (Coordinator)
Publisher : Sharjah Archaeology Authority
Location : Madrid, Spain.
Available Languages -
Twenty years of discoveries for the Department of Ancient History, international scientific bodies and the ...