Published Date : 2022
Auther : Abdullah Ali Alrehaibi
Publisher : Sharjah Archaeology Authority
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This book discusses mosques built during the Fatimid era in Mahdia,Sirte, Ajdabiya, and Cairo, some of which remained intact and someof which were altered, and it is based on a treatise originally titled(Fatimid Mosques, Their History and Architecture). Given thesignificance of the mihrab in mosque architecture, I included anarticle titled “The Rightness in the Relationship Between the Mosqueand the Mihrab” that opened the book’s pages which were theintroduction pages of the book.
Camel and horse skeletons from protohistoric graves at Mleiha in the Emirate of Sharjah (U.A.E.)
Published Date : 1999
Auther : Munksgard
Publisher : Arabian archaeology and epigraphy
Available Languages -
This study analyzes animal remains discovered in a burial ground at Mleiha in the United ...