Camel and horse skeletons from protohistoric graves at Mleiha in the Emirate of Sharjah (U.A.E.)

  • July 29, 1999
  • Munksgard
  • Arabian archaeology and epigraphy
  • English

This study analyzes animal remains discovered in a burial ground at Mleiha in the United Arab Emirates. The remains include skeletons of camels and horses, which were examined to determine their species, ages, and sex.
The results revealed two types of camels: large camels believed to be hybrids between the two-humped Bactrian camel and the one-humped Arabian camel, and regular Arabian camels. Most camels were young adults, between 5 and 7 years old, while the horses were older.
The study employed Logarithmic Size Indices (LSI) to compare the sizes of the skeletal remains. The results showed that the hybrid camels were significantly larger than typical Arabian camels, while the horses were smaller.
The study suggests that the hybrid camels may have held a high status, possibly due to their large size and strength.

  • July 22, 2024
  • Dr Sergey Lapteff
  • Sharjah Archaeology Authority
  • Japan
  • English, Japanese
Sharjah is one of the seven Emirates composing the UAE. It is located in the central part of Oman Peninsula,…
  • July 17, 2024
  • Bruno Overlaet | Sabah Jasim | Eisa Yousif
  • Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy
  • English
This article examines the practices of stone worship and associated rituals at the site of Mleiha during the period from…
تاريخ عمارة الجامع الأزهر منذ العصر الفاطمي حتى نهاية العصر المملوكي

محاضرتنا الاثنين القادم بعنوان “تاريخ عمارة الجامع الأزهر منذ العصر الفاطمي حتى نهاية العصر المملوكي” يقدمها الدكتور أحمد مجدي سالم، في تمام الساعة 4:30 مساءً.

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