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Material : Pottery
Height : 29 cm
Diameter : 29 cm
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No. 13 of 17 examples of 19th Century Islamic ceramics under study at the Sharjah Archaeology Authority, in Sharjah, UAE. This specimen is from the site Al-Jubail.

Stone Lion Lid 1
Stone lid with lion-shaped knob for south Arabian beehive vessels. Mleiha, Sharjah, UAE. 3rd century BCE - 1st century CE. Mleiha area 7. Calcite. Read More
Chalace with Ibex
Fine orange ware beaker or chalice drinking cup reportedly imported in the 1st century CE from Iran to the site of Mleiha, Sharjah, UAE. Stylized ... Read More
Alabaster Jar Lid 1
Pre-Islamic Alabaster Jar Lid, Mleiha, Sharjah, UAE. In storage at the Sharjah Archaeology Authority. 250-150 BCE. Read More