No. of Object: SAA 184 C.
Type of Artifact: Fragment Dish.
Material: Ceramic.
Methodology: 3D photogrammetric model made in Agisoft Metashape using 393 images. Additional processing completed in Substance Painter.
Acknowledgment: This work is part of the collaboration agreement between Sharjah Archaeology Authority and Global Digital Heritage for the digitization of the Cultural Heritage of the Emirate of Sharjah (United Arab Emirates). We want to publicly thank the vision and determined drive of Dr. Sabah Abboud Jasim and Mr. Eisa Yousif. We also want to show our gratitude to all the SAA staff, especially to Miguel Ángel Núñez Villanueva.
Alabaster Vase No. 9 of 47, from cache, Mleiha, Sharjah, UAE. The find was made by the Sharjah Archaeology Authority. 2nd-3rd Century CE. Read More
Green glazed bowl from the palace in Mleiha, 100 CE. Sharjah, UAE. Read More
Pre-Islamic Alabaster Jar, Mleiha ML 5, Sharjah, UAE. In storage at the Sharjah Archaeology Authority. 250-150 BCE. Read More