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Published Date : 2024
Auther : Prof. Dr. Nael Hanoun
Publisher : Sharjah Archaeology Authority
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For three thousand years, cuneiform writing was used to record the Sumerian and Akkadian languages ​​in Mesopotamia, the Levant and the surrounding countries of the ancient world. Since the ancient civilization that was established on the land of the cradle of civilizations in the Arab East was an authentic, pioneering, mature and creative civilization, it had a prolific output in various fields of knowledge. This output was found in cuneiform writing, a preserver whose giving is not limited by time or place. When the symbols of this complex writing were solved and many of its secrets were known in the modern era, its texts began to reveal what had not been discovered of the hidden treasures of that immortal, landmark civilization. These texts began to say what the monuments, monuments and buildings could not say about the creativity of the ancestors. The West discovered the cuneiform texts, discovered how to read and translate them, and realized what could be known and extracted from them. We, the inhabitants of the countries of the same civilization, lagged behind in dealing with cuneiform texts and in reading and translating them. A few in our country believe that we do not need to exert effort and toil in reading and translating these texts as long as there are those who can do so in France, America and other Western countries, which is what one of them who specialized in cuneiforms in France and worked in Syria claimed.
I am not here to analyze this approach of non-approach or to clarify its motives, which are not hidden from the insight of the honorable reader, but rather the talk here is about what we have done and what we can do to overcome the backwardness in dealing with the evidence of the civilization of our ancient country and its products.
This book was preceded by a group of books issued by the author under seventeen titles concerning the effects of this immortal civilization and its texts. All of these books, in addition to the current book, are directed to serve the aspirations of our researchers and intellectuals in learning about aspects of a civilization that has been a credit to subsequent civilizations that benefited from it. What these books contain also paves the way for other research that will have a complementary role to what has been issued. This book serves Arab readers in directly viewing a collection of twenty cuneiform texts written in Sumerian and Akkadian. The topics of these texts fall within the fields of history, literature and related subjects. The author presents this book after having presented the first direct Arabic translations of basic cuneiform texts that were long delayed in Arabic, including the Code of Hammurabi, the Epic of Gilgamesh and the Babylonian creation story (When Above).



Published Date : 2020
Publisher : Sharjah Archaeology Authority
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The report highlights the surveys, the testing sensors, and the excavation works at Mleiha and ...

South Arabian zabur script in the Gulf: some recent discoveries from Mleiha (Sharjah, UAE)

Published Date : 2017
Auther : John Wily And Sons A/S
Publisher : Arabian archaeology and epigraphy
Available Languages -

This article discusses a recently discovered inscription in the ancient South Arabian script, found at ...