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Published Date : 2023
Auther : Dr. Muayad Saeed Al-Damarji
Publisher : Sharjah Archaeology Authority
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In this book, Dr. Mu’ayyad Saeed presents us with an interesting and original research in which he attempts to trace the origins of a section of the vocabulary and its meanings in the classical and colloquial Arabic languages, especially the Iraqi dialect spoken in the central and southern regions of modern Iraq, and to trace them back to the languages ​​of our ancestors that were prevalent in ancient Mesopotamia. This is an interesting and enjoyable material for the Arab and Iraqi reader in particular, so that he realizes that the words he uses in his colloquial dialect to this day are authentic words whose origin goes back to the language of his ancient ancestors, the owners of the oldest human civilization in history.

“Al Wajeez (Brief) in Early Ottoman Architecture” Book

Published Date : 2019
Auther : Abdullah Ali Al-Rahibi
Publisher : Sharjah Archaeology Authority
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The book is written by K.A. Krizol. The Publisher was Oxford University. It is reviewed ...

Objectives and powers of Sharjah Archaeology Authority

Published Date : 2023
Auther : Sharjah Archaeology Authority
Publisher : Sharjah Archaeology Authority
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His Highness Sheikh Dr. Sultan bin Muhammad Al Qasimi, a member of the Supreme Council ...