Published Date : 2016
Auther : Sabah A. Jasim , Margarethe Uerpmann , Hans-Peter Uerpmann
Publisher : Sharjah Archaeology Authority
Available Languages -
- English
Today, the Emirate of Sharjah is proud to add a new edifice of culture, civilization and arts, represented by the Antiquities Center in the ancient site of Mleiha. It is no secret that this archaeological site had a prominent and important role in the history of human civilization and its development throughout the ages.
Neolithic cremation in south-east Arabia: archaeological and anthropological observations at FAY-NE10 in the Emirate of Sharjah (UAE)
Published Date : 2022
Auther : Adelina U.Kutterer / Stefanie Doppler / Margarethe Upermann / Hans-Peter Uerpmann
Publisher : Arabian archaeology and epigraphy
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This research studies the charred human bone fragments that were found in a small cave ...
Plant ash glass from the 1st century AD from Dibba Al-Hisn, United Arab Emirates.
Published Date :
Auther : Alicia Van Ham-Meert / Philippe Claeys / Sabah Jasim / Bruno Overlaet / Eisa Yousif / Patrick Degryse
Publisher : Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences
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This paper presents chemical and theoretical analyzes of glass from the first century AD, which ...