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Period : Pre-Islamic
Material : Copper
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Pre-Islamic Copper Coin, Mleiha, Sharjah, UAE. On display in the Sharjah Archaeology Authority. 2nd-1st C BCE. Catalog number unk. Processed in Reality Capture from 367 images.Copper coin (12) Obverse: Athena head on the right. Her helmet, which is not represented, is summarized by a sequence of small festoons/scallops forming a sort of crown. Low, other inverted festoons/scallops indicate the quiffs of the horse. Her nose is straight. The eye is indicated by two traits framing a dot and the mouth Is made of two short traits. Finally, on the left, the ear is slightly sketched. and on the right some letters.Reverse: frontal owl. The eyes are circular with a big central dot. the feathering is formed by vertical traits and on the body by some big dots. and in the left olive sprig and crescent to left”

Pre-Islamic bronze eagle
Pre-Islamic bronze eagle with a laurel wreath. Mleiha, Sharjah, UAE. On display in the Mleiha Archaeological Center. 1st Century CE. Read More
19th C. Islamic Pottery
Surface collected fragment of glazed brown pottery found in Khor Kalba. dates to the 19th century AD., Sharjah, UAE. In storage at the Sharjah Archaeology ... Read More
Alabaster Jar Lid 1
Pre-Islamic Alabaster Jar Lid, Mleiha, Sharjah, UAE. In storage at the Sharjah Archaeology Authority. 250-150 BCE. Read More